Saturday, March 29, 2008

Assignment 3, Good Shelf Thing, 3/30/08-4/5/08

1. Check out these 3 sites, which provide a way to keep track of your favorite books, and books you have read, and what other people think of those books.
2. Set up an account in one of these. Add a minimum of 5 books to your account.
3. Search for one or two of your favorite books, and see what other people think of them. Does anyone you know have the same favorites as you do?
4. Post your comments here, telling us how this kind of service could benefit our library, and include a link to your page.


Samantha said...

I actually do have an account with all three sites, but have never liked Shelfari, so I rarely use it. My goodreads account is more a list of books I've read, whether I got them from teh library, borrowed them from a friend, or bought them. My Library thing account is more a list of the books I actually own, whether I've gotten around to reading them yet or not. Neither of them are comprehensive.

Here's my Good Reads account:

Here's my Library Thing account:

While it would be too time consuming to be worth it to make a GEPL account with our entire collection, it might be useful to make an account for specialized collections, like Caudills and Monarchs, or YA. We could even make an account for reading lists. This way, instead of only including the 15 or so titles that make it onto a printed list, we could have an entire account devoted to Middle School Horror, or funny books for grade school students that includes every title our library owns. This might be an easier search function than the catalog for younger patrons, since they can view covers, read what the library has to say about the books, and even make connections between books they've read and liked and new books on the same subject. It also might make it easier and quicker for us to search for a book when helping a patron, since functions like tagging make specific searches a lot easier. Accounts could be linked the the GEPL website for patrons to browse, too.

Anonymous said...

I also have accounts with all three sites. At this point I have all of the same books listed on each of the sites. I have been adding them in Shelfari and then exporting them and importing them onto the other 2 sites. Sometimes this goes smoothly and other times it doesn't. I find that the reviews don't always transfer and that the tags sometimes get messed up. I guess I haven't really played around with them enough to know which one I like better. I seem to prefer Shelfari so far but I can't really tell you why!

I have already used Shelfari while doing RA for a patron. It's a good way to jog my memory of what I have read and being a visual person I like that the covers are there (although it's not always the same cover as the ed. I read).

If we could set it up to have different shelves for different genre’s I thing it would be an excellent source to link to from our webpage. It would be nice if it would link to our catalog, but I really don't know yet if it can.

I am still trying to go back and add either reviews or at least a summary of the books (haven't had much free time for this yet), but you can look at my shelfari page if you like! Just copy and paste:

Vida said...

I set up a Shelfari account - it's just a list of 5 books I like - jfic and jpicture. This is not something I will keep up with, since I am not a rabid computer user. that said, Goodreads was good for finding genres. I don't know why they have so many different listings for the same genre, each with a different number of books. I didn't like that you counldn't search without being a member. With Shelfari you could search without membership. I couldn't easily find a list of genres though. Tying in Children's books gave me only 4 hits. Librarything - I liked the tour, and it seemed easy to set up an account, but given that, I didn't find it particularly helpful.

My Shelfari link is

judy said...

As much as I find most of this something I don't have time for I almost wish I could have started keeping track of the books I have read - children's and adult. As far as organizing all the books I own - forget it. I don't have the time.

Leigh Ann said...

Better late than never... I love the goodreads sight and could easily become addicted.

My account

Carolyn said...

I did enjoy floating through the sites. In the long run, I'm sure using at least one of them on a regular basis would be a great help in remembering what I've read, why I liked or disliked a book, and what each book was about. It's just that in the short run, I'm not sure I have the time right now to get it set up to be helpful. I'll definitely get back to at least one of them when I have time.
Here's my Library Thing account:

Unknown said...

"site" not "sight". Im slightly type A about spelling errors and this has been nagging at me.

Amy said...

I went into Library Thing and added the titles of books my book discussion group has read. I customized a tag for the group so I can pull up all the items we've read right away. It was pretty easy to work with. For Good Reads I decided to enter books in my personal collection along with reviews. The fact that their "tags" are actually called "shelves" was a little confusing to me. I didn't think this site was quite as easy to work with. I created a Shelfari account but I haven't added anything yet. I'll use that to keep track of my youth titles.

I like reading what other people write and seeing what they're reading. But it is a little time consuming.

Amy said...

I forgot to leave a link to my account so here's GoodReads:

Here's LibraryThing:

Caitlyn Buscher said...

I made a Shelfari account and I really like it. I had been using an excel spreadsheet to keep track of the books I read, but I like how Shelfari has pictures of the books.