Monday, May 5, 2008


You have until Mother's Day for the Virtual Library Assignment:
Part one: Go thoroughly through our library’s website. Pay particular attention to other department areas or links you’ve never used before.
Comment this week with: What aspects of our website do you like the most? Do you have any ideas for new services we can provide through the virtual branch? What other ways can the library improve its web presence?

Part two: Choose the database you are the least familiar with. Spend at least 20 minutes exploring it; try to answer a question that a patron might have. Comment with the name of the database you chose, and what your experience with it was like.

Part three: Take a look at the public library "hall of fame" at
Choose at least 5 public library sites to browse. Comment on whether or not you see any good ideas that we can add to our own library website.

Transforming Libraries and Communities (25 minutes)
4/21/08 Exec Director of NSLS Sarah Long talks with James LaRue, director of the Douglas County Libraries in Castle Rock CO since 1990 and speaker at NSLS "Embracing Change: Transforming Libraries and Communities" Symposium 4/29/08.

He helps synthesize ideas about some current trends, and he echoes some of the points Michael Stephens has made: the Library is bigger than the building, and the Library needs to take advantage of Circulation staff’s opportunity for Reader’s Advisory.

Listen, and see what you think. He makes some great points, and I don't think he's after growth in market share for its own sake.